Learning / Experiences


Take an evening, a day or a weekend for self-care, personal development, reconnection and healing. Below are offerings in Reiki training and Restoration. Additional Learnings/Experiences in Shamanic Healing to come.

This page was last updated on January 17, 2025


REIKI 1 (one-day) training

This is a one-day introductory course in Reiki Energy Healing (Usui System).

In this course, you will learn what Reiki is, how it works, where it came from and how to use it for personal growth. Learn about the history of Reiki and your Reiki lineage. Reiki Energy is about healing – yourself and subsequently, others. Practice connecting or deepening your connection to your intuition, spiritual side and begin to hone your craft for healing.

This course will also teach you how to share Reiki with others. Each student will receive the Level I Reiki Attunement ceremony.

This course is open to anyone.

If you have already been attuned to Reiki I and would like to attend to tune-up, please inquire.

Recommended Prerequisite: a 1-hr Reiki Plus session with Linda

Duration of one-day course: 10am-5pm

Fee:  $423.75 ($375+tax)  Full payment is preferred at time of booking.

Etransfer is preferred: linda@spark-then-ignite.com. Payment by credit card is possible.

February 16, 2025
(Sunday  10:00 am - 5:00 pm)

Toronto  Yonge/Sheppard Pure Motion Centre  4789 Yonge Street, Suite 1205, Toronto, ON M2N 0G3

sign up

REIKI 2 (two-day) training

REIKI 2 (two-day) training This two-day training builds upon your knowledge and practice of Reiki Energy Healing (Usui System). In this course, we introduce and learn how to apply Reiki symbols into our energy healing practice and life. These sacred Reiki symbols amplify the power of Reiki you are channelling. We will return to tablework for a portion of this course and add the symbols to our hands-on Reiki practice for others. The final portion of this course will incorporate Distance Healing with some education on telepathy and the benefits of creating a power spot, i.e. an altar – to again amplify the Energy in order to send it to others beyond time and space. To ensure success of this closed circle setting format, it is recommended you limit your contact with outside people for the duration of the training.

Recommended Prerequisite: Reiki 1 training with Linda

Duration:  2 days (9 hours)

Fee:  $598.90 ($530+tax)  Please press Sign Up to register. Full payment is appreciated at sign up. But, option to delay payment is available. Press Pay Later during registration. A prompt to pay will be emailed out 2 weeks before course starts.

Etransfer is preferred: linda@spark-then-ignite.com. Payment by credit card is possible.

June 7-8, 2025
(Saturday 4-7pm, Sunday 10am-4pm)

Toronto  Yonge/Sheppard Pure Motion Centre  4789 Yonge Street, Suite 1205, Toronto, ON M2N 0G3

sign up


Reiki Level I and Level II certificates are now issued at the end of the course.

These Certificates mark the date of your Attunement Ceremony.

To continue working with Reiki energy, it is recommended that each student participate in the homework below:

Continue to practice channelling Reiki energy by practicing on others.

Make a list of people to practice Reiki on. Submit a report of 20 practice sessions per course. The purpose of the report is to observe and make note of the Energy as you work on people. The two sections to report on would be:

  1. What did I feel/see/notice when working on this person? Or, anytime before of after, if any.
  2. What did he/she/they feel/see/notice when being worked on? Or, anytime before of after, if any.

More details will be provided during the training.

REIKI MASTER (three day) training

When you are ready to learn more and refine your Reiki practice, consider Linda's Reiki Master class.

This three-day training builds upon your existing knowledge and practice of Reiki Energy Healing (Usui System) by introducing the Reiki Master symbol and all its uses.

Like in Reiki 2, you will learn the new symbol on the first day and practice using it throughout the second day (tablework and attunement ceremony). The power of your intention and the use of this symbol in a group setting will amplify the energy and allow us to expand our limits in healing and connection - and, open up channels in our lives.

Joining this Reiki Master class also gives you the opportunity to listen to Linda's stories and experiences allowing the transmission of energy to flow and strengthen your bond and relationship with Reiki energy and all the ancestors from its lineage.

At the end of this Learning, you will have more tools and experience to help yourself and others (heal). You will be able to Attune others, if you so desire, have a template to teach Reiki - all levels, and, receive some business knowledge to set up your own healing practice in an official capacity, if you so desire.

The format is:

  • Day 1: Saturday  4pm-7pm
  • Day 2: Sunday  10am-4pm
  • Day 3: A mutually agreed upon Sunday within the next 2-8 weeks from 10am-4pm. This date will be decided upon together on the first day we meet.

This Training will only be offered once or twice a year.

Minimum number of students to run: 3

Recommended Prerequisite: Reiki 2 training with Linda

Duration: 2 days (9 hours), plus: 1 day (6 hours) - Total: 15 hours

Fee: $1,356* ($1,200+HST)

Payment plans are also possible, as long as the final payment is received before our final meet date. Contact linda@spark-then-ignite.com for more details.

July 12-13, 2025
(Saturday 4-7pm, Sunday 10am-4pm)

Location  Toronto Yonge/Sheppard Pure Motion Centre  Toronto

sign up

*For the first round of registrants for inaugural Reiki Master July 12-13 date, a courtesy of $225+HST if being offered. If registering online and paying with credit card, please use coupon code: REIKI-3-COUPON To register for the class with intention to pay later, press BOOK CLASS to bypass payment information.

Or, send $1,101.75 ($975+HST) - via etransfer by July 1st, 2025.

Looking forward to seeing you and continuing our light work together to brighten up the world one experience at a time!



An Introduction (3 hrs)

The purpose of this Experience is to introduce you to an element of core shamanism: Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic Journeying is a fundamental tool used to connect with Guides and to visit the Spirit Worlds (otherwise known as “non-ordinary reality”). We will learn about and practice travelling to the Lower World, Upper World and Middle World.

Once mastered, you can use this tool and receive clear guidance and support, help tap into your intuition or “deep knowing” and navigate through different areas of your life with unwavering certainty.

(Shamanic Journeying is a mandatory skill for eligibility into Linda’s SHAMANIC HEALING PROGRAM. This program will include 6 weekend gatherings spanning 12 months.)

A Preparation for this Experience is to refrain from the use of alcohol and recreational drugs/enhancements at least 24-hours before and after to keep the channel of communication clear and open, amplifying your ability to access your power and your Guides with the clearest connection possible.

Recommended Prerequisite:  Any Shamanic Healing session (1hr or 2hr) with Linda.

Fee:  $197.75 ($175+tax)  per person
Full payment is preferred at time of booking.

NOW  March 2, 2025
(Sunday 10am-1pm)
was  February 23, 2025

Toronto  Pure Motion Centre  4789 Yonge Street, Suite 1205, Toronto, ON M2N 0G3

sign up


The Program spans 6 months with 5 in-person meetings.
4 of the 5 meetings will take place in Toronto on Sundays at Pure Motion Centre (Yonge/Sheppard).

Meeting 5 of 5 will be an overnight weekend retreat (just outside of the city) and will include a Fire Ceremony.

Program start date: Sunday, September 28th, 2025  (Meet #1 of 5)
Time: 10am-4pm

You will require the following equipment for our first session  Meet #1:

  1. Eye curtain
  2. Rattle
  3. Drum*

Eye curtain - Can be made by hand or purchased.

Rattle - Can be made by hand or purchased.

Drum* - will be required for our 2nd session  (Meet #2 of 5)

Eye curtains are eye coverings that you will use during your shamanic journeys.
Rattles - I don't know how to make rattles, myself. But, from now until our first meet date, feel free to find a how-to workshop or you can purchase.

There are two places I know of that design adequate rattles. If you see one online, ask your Guides: "Is this one for me?"
Tribal Spirit  |  Etsy
Keywords: shamanic rattle, shaman rattle, shaman shakers

The fee for each in-person Learning session that we meet is:
$423.75 ($375+HST) x 5 meetings
+ plus the fee for food/accomodations at the final meeting/weekend retreat.

The fee for each meet must be sent 2-4 weeks prior to our Learning day.
(Your commitment to be solidified in advance to prepare Guides and the Energy.)

The spacing between our in-person meetings will be about every 5-6 weeks.
There will be a longer space between the 4th and 5th (weekend retreat) meeting.
We will decide the meeting dates for meetings #2-5 after the first meeting (Meet #1)

I would like this to be a closed group. And, hope that whoever is accepted and chooses to take part in this Program will commit to the end.
So, please read on and consider the workload:

The draft Curriculum is as follows:

  1. Power Animal Retrievals
  2. Shamanic Extractions
  3. Soul Retrievals
  4. Ancestral Healing - Connection
  5. Weekend Retreat - Fire Ceremony

In between each Meet:

  1. You will practice the new healing ceremony learned on a set number of Healees and submit a report to me
  2. We may meet by zoom (as a group) to have a check-in and open up the floor if students have any questions
  3. Other homework: i) personal development exercise / ii) research about chosen topic (to be discussed) - 1 to 4 pages each, depending.

Should you complete this Program, you will be able to do healing work on others and have the tools to start your own healing practice, should you desire to do so.

To run/start this annual Program, a minimum of 4 registrants is required.

If you are interested in this Learning, please email: linda@spark-then-ignite.com to receive the Program Application.

Application deadline: August 31, 2025.




This event is an opportunity to take a pause, mentally digest and reset. Our goal is to pull your attention inward - back to yourself.

There will be 2-3 writing segments offered in our time together powered by writing prompts and an invitation to use a different writing/connection technique.

The writing segments will be sandwiched between different modalities of stillness that will help you release, remember and reveal what's inside. Some of the modalities that will be introduced are: meditation, breathwork, yoga (light movements and/or restorative poses), etc.

Purpose/How you will feel after:
  • Reconnected.
  • Renewed.
  • Re-inspired.

Minimum number of participants to run: 3

Please share or gift this Experience with friends and family!

Recommended Prerequisite: None. All are welcome. No writing experience is necessary.

Duration: 3 hours

Fee:  $169.50 ($150+tax) per person

E-transfer is preferred: linda@spark-then-ignite.com.
Payment by credit card is also available using online registration.

February 2, 2025
(Sunday  10am-1pm)

This session's theme: Just be

Toronto  Pure Motion Centre  4789 Yonge Street, Suite 1205, Toronto, ON M2N 0G3

Book Now

March 1, 2025
(Saturday  3pm-6pm)

This session's theme: What does green mean to you?

Markham   Acu-Pain Clinic  #2 - 2720 Bur Oak Avenue, Markham ON L6B 1K5

Book Now

April 27, 2025
(Sunday  10am-1pm)

This session's theme: Ways to Celebrate Yourself

Toronto  Pure Motion Centre  4789 Yonge Street, Suite 1205, Toronto, ON M2N 0G3

Book Now

  1. Communication via EMAIL is PREFERRED.
  2. Streamlining communication types to EMAIL is IMPERATIVE if action is required on your message. Please email Linda at linda@spark-then-ignite.com. Replies from Instagram, FB messenger, Whatsapp cannot be guaranteed.
  3. Appointment bookings via the online booking system are preferable. However, please feel free to contact Linda if you are unsure which Service to book, or, if you are experiencing technical difficulties with the booking systems.
  4. BEFORE A SESSION - Communication prior to a session to discuss which course of treatment to choose is limited to a 10 min phone call or a paragraph (3-4 lines of text), followed by a response with Linda's recommendation on best session type or course of treatment to book.
  5. AFTER A SESSION - Email queries after a session will be responded to within a reasonable timeframe. If you have not heard from Linda after 48 hours (within Mon-Fri), please write back (as it may be a technical issue). Replies will include a complete response of up to three sentences. If a more in-depth response is required, Linda will recommend booking a follow up session.
  6. BOUNDARIES - Asking Linda to divine information prior to a session is a breach in boundaries, and will not be provided. Professional boundaries will always be maintained to ensure Linda's focus remains on your spiritual well-being, healing journey and path to a life in high vibration. Please monitor yourself and manage your energy expenditure, as well as your expectations accordingly.


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